Custody between unwed parents and one is moving


New Member
I have a 3 year old daughter. We did go to court for child support and nothing else. Her father moved to another state (to Massachusetts from Georgia) and never updated his file with the courts. I am moving to Florida from Georgia.
I have a couple of questions.
1) Do I have to notify him that I am moving?
2) Does custody differ there? Because I know in Georgia I have full custody and he has none since we were never married.
I doubt that the deadbeat is interested in having anything to do with the kid or you.

The deadbeat also isn't interested in paying any court ordered child support.

You don't know where he is. How do you propose NOTIFYING the deadbeat?

You can file for child support after you arrive in your new state.

You are the mother of a child born out of wedlock.
As such a mother, ALL CUSTODY is vested solely in YOU.

If the deadbeat desires any interaction with either of you, let him worry about how that's done.

HINT: As long as you ignore him, he's likely to ignore you.

The states will look for him, whenever you seek state services (healthcare, food stamps, welfare, etc)