custody battle

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New Member
can a judge hear my case without my lawyer present.dont i have the right to an attorney in a family matter of child custody.i have had 3 trials cost me over $14000 in legal fees.the judge i won every time my ex husband is an acholic.he keeps getting away with child support etc.the judge put here own motion against me is this legal.i also recently put a grevince against this judge.i also have an restraining order in effect between my child and i ,can she still here my case without abias decision,thanking you
you do not have a right to an attorney in family court. you need to hire one and if you have already spent 14k on lawyer fees figure out how much more fighting you want to do with your ex. Your ex cannot be forced to pay child support unless they take it from his wages. The more you fight him for CS the more he will want to see the child. Pick your battles.
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