Custodial parent needing advice on absent parent's threats

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New Member
I need a few questions answered in regards to my 2 children with my ex wife. I am the custodial parent. My ex wife was originally awarded every other weekend visitation. In March of 2008 she moved out of state (from Missouri to Wisconsin) and we filed a revised schedule for visitation. She was to have them 1 month out of every summer, alternating holidays as previously arranged in our divorce, and any 3 day weekend she had the ability to come visit them with my prior approval.

In July of 2008 we met half way at her request and our kids spent their month with her. Again in August 2008 we met half way and she returned them to me. Since then she has asked only once more to see them. She asked when we could meet for Thanksgiving exchange and I told her I would not financially be able to meet half way at that time but she could still have her visit if she would provide transport since she created the distance. She said no, that she would just see them some other time. She calls once or twice a month but has never requested to meet or visit again.

In February of 2009 I was infomed by her family that she had moved once again and had not informed me. I still do not have an address for her, all I know is that she is now somewhere in the state of Pennslyvania.

This past month when she called the kids I let her know that I was going to be filing for support establishment and enforcement because she has never paid the agreed amount asked originally of the court (half of childcare and medical). She was very angry about this and began telling me I was keeping the kids from her. She accused me of making it impossible to see them and said that she was going to file contempt because I have violated her right to visitation. I told her I could not in good conscience allow her to take them until I atleast knew where she lived and where they would be. She told me she filed a change of address with the state. The courts have no such record for her, but she still insists she can fight me. Even with these threats though she has still not asked to arrange a way to see them again.

Am I in any way in the wrong here? I do not feel as I have done anything to prevent her from seeing the kids. Especially in the last few months that she will not tell me where she lives. She had not really even shown any interest in the kids until I mentioned child support (no birthday wishes, gifts, cards, no phone calls lasting more than 3 mins, no visits for a year, etc.). I do not want to risk losing my children, but I need her help at least financially as times are hard. Does she at this point have solid groud to fight or are they empty threats?

Also, if I am finally given an address for her and she asks to see them, do we still have to follow the original revised schedule as it states "while Miss F is living in the state of Wisconsin" or can I require we file a new schedule before visits resume?

I just really want to ensure my kids are safe. Any help would be appriciated.
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