Course of action where intentional acts of interference of personal representatives

  • Thread Starter Scottsupthecreek
  • Start date


What are the options a personal representative has when the other heirs cause intentional problems and delays in a small estate matter designed to cause intentional damage to the representative
What are the options a personal representative has when the other heirs cause intentional problems and delays in a small estate matter designed to cause intentional damage to the representative

What one party deems a delay, another party deems due diligence.

The legal process grinds slowly at its own pace.

Each case is different, and each result is unique.

Each and every party involved in a legal matter has the absolute right to a fair hearing, an impartial examination of all of a person's grievances, and an examination of all issues allowed to be brought before the court.

Your rights aren't being violated because things don't move along as rapidly as you wish.
What are the options a personal representative has when the other heirs cause intentional problems and delays in a small estate matter designed to cause intentional damage to the representative
I guess more into is required!after my mother died my family who wouldn't even come visit her rushed up here one for the first time period to check the mattresses look behind the paintings !make off with all of her files and chase me around town like I was gonna lead them somewhere later to find out they accused me of murdering her of whicn started a 9 month investigation of which I was cleared the rest of the delays like getting the house pulled from the market twice,at the same time refusing what I believed was a fair market buyout which hasn't allowed me to sell the house to satisfy debts yet and now they are demanding an accounting caused because of the now 2 years of which I've tried to keep things afloat by myself where it used to involve 3 people and saying I failed to do my job as representative when all of the delays
What are the options a personal representative has when the other heirs cause intentional problems and delays in a small estate matter designed to cause intentional damage to the representative