Could i possibly win if im hit with this defamation lawsuit or should i settle

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Hello. I have a legal question about a possible defamation lawsuit. I hired an act to do a video shoot but after failing to do a certain scene.. this person agreed to do a reshoot with more money. I never had contracts for the project. Only done via emails & paypal. The reshoot never happened as the person kept making excuses and canceling dates.. I asked for the money back but they declined to do so. As as result i was left with an unfinished video & money wasted on director's location etc. Since the act did not give the money back for the reshoot.. felt that's clearly stealing. Also just wanted to make note.. the act found out they're manager was pocketing money I gave for the agreed amount I hired the person for this. They claimed they're manager never gave them their share of the money, but anyway after months of waiting to see if the act would change their mind and refund me back.. nothing happened and i decided to release the unfinished video with other footage to a blog. and wrote that the person steals money, & other rumors i found out of the person on other blogging websites.

Once the person saw that, they are now threating me with a lawsuit for defamation & for suffering from humiliation. The person claiming to sue still don't plan on giving any type of money back that ui spent on the the video and they want money for damages.

Could I possibly have a winning case or may I still lose even though the act did steal the extra money for reshooting & still not give a dime back.. or does this sound like a losing case & best i should try to settle the case by giving the amount they would want?
Hello. I have a legal question about a possible defamation lawsuit. I hired an act to do a video shoot but after failing to do a certain scene.. this person agreed to do a reshoot with more money. I never had contracts for the project. Only done via emails & paypal. The reshoot never happened as the person kept making excuses and canceling dates.. I asked for the money back but they declined to do so. As as result i was left with an unfinished video & money wasted on director's location etc. Since the act did not give the money back for the reshoot.. felt that's clearly stealing. Also just wanted to make note.. the act found out they're manager was pocketing money I gave for the agreed amount I hired the person for this. They claimed they're manager never gave them their share of the money, but anyway after months of waiting to see if the act would change their mind and refund me back.. nothing happened and i decided to release the unfinished video with other footage to a blog. and wrote that the person steals money, & other rumors i found out of the person on other blogging websites.

Once the person saw that, they are now threating me with a lawsuit for defamation & for suffering from humiliation. The person claiming to sue still don't plan on giving any type of money back that ui spent on the the video and they want money for damages.

Could I possibly have a winning case or may I still lose even though the act did steal the extra money for reshooting & still not give a dime back.. or does this sound like a losing case & best i should try to settle the case by giving the amount they would want?

You should have never done what you did.
You can be found civilly liable for defaming people by accusing them of crimes.
They were not convicted of anything, yet you accused them of committing crimes.
I suggest you take down anything you may have put up anywhere.
Then shut up, unless you wish them to STEAL from you via the court process.
If you believe they owed you money, you should have sued them in court.
I agree 100% with AJ's post.

They did not steal a darned thing. What OP needs to remember is that stealing is a criminal offense and without a conviction for same, OP should have never ever made such an statement.
Thanks for the advice but Im not accusing them. It's fact. they took money and i have the proof. i gave extra moey for a reshoot & the person just took the money & never came through . and did not want to refund. Which is why i labeled it "this person stole" on video post.

I was planning to sue them in court over money owed. but wouldn't that be more expensive in legal fee's
You made a statement that is legally untrue.

You have accused them of a crime, when there has been NO conviction, no nothing.

See what we're saying?

Seriously, you need to back down. Do you realize how costly it can be to defend yourself from a defamation suit? Even if they don't win, they can bury you financially.

Long term.
You could be in great legal peril. Your opinion is meaningless. You accused them of a crime, and that's prima facie evidence that you defamed their reputation. You did it public, which makes it worse.
You took a garden variety human dispute, and potentially made them a case for libel against you.

You should immediately speak with a local attorney.
I don't know how courts in your county treat such actions as yours. You also compound it by doing it again on here in public. You have no legal privilege here, as we are not your attorneys. You are hurting yourself. You need to stop this harmful behavior to yourself.

Thanks for the advice but Im not accusing them. It's fact. they took money and i have the proof. i gave extra moey for a reshoot & the person just took the money & never came through . and did not want to refund. Which is why i labeled it "this person stole" on video post.

I was planning to sue them in court over money owed. but wouldn't that be more expensive in legal fee's

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