Cops forced us to split up...

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New Member
I'll try to keep this as short as I can. Basically I'm 15 and I'm dating a 20 year old. He used to be kind of a f***ed up person due to various things and basically he's a sex offender. The cops came here and told us we can't see each other anymore, at least until I'm 18, which doesn't make me happy. I just need to know my options. We don't plan on seeing each other until we're sure he's not going to get into any trouble. The two questions I have right now are: 1. He's not aloud to be around minors, but because this stuff happened when he was a juvenile, shouldn't this all be completely forgotten about when he turns 21? I mean, won't the court seal his records and then all we'll have to worry about the whole 'age of consent' thing?; 2. If I were pregnant, I'd be emancipated as an adult, but could that give us any help with our relationship? I mean, would it still matter that I'm under 18?

These might sound like stupid questions, but I really need to know these things. And if you could think of anything else that might help us out, please post it. I just need answers, please anyone who could help me, I'd appreciate it for the rest of my life. Thank you.
You have no options! Hes a sex offender and risks going to prison seeing you. I will let my Mothering side be otherwise I will say somethings you wont like
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