continued health coverage

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New Member
If you are going for a surgery that will require you to be on disability for 3-6months. And your location that you work for is for sale and the sale will be completed a month or so after your surgery ... Does the company need to continue your health coverage until you are no longer on disability?????

Please any information would be helpfull.??? thank you
In a word, no.

IF FMLA applies, the employer must continue health insurance until the FMLA expires or the end of your employment but is not obligated to continue it beyond that. FMLA is 12 weeks regardless of the length of disability benefits. If the sale of the facility means the end of employment, your being on disability does not provide you with any more rights than any other displaced employee. If FMLA does not apply, the employer has no obligation to continue the health insurance at all, although they will have to offer COBRA or a state equivalent if THAT applies.
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