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New Member
When I was hired my boss new that I was attending College on a full time basis. When the semester was about to begin he asked me if I knew anyone that wanted to work part time, I asked a good friend of mine(We grew up together), she accepted. Once the semester started she was to fill in the two days I needed off. When the semester was over I was to return to my full time position. My so called friend became a suck up. She took over the office cleaning that I was hired to also. On the three days that I worked he started making commits. How She was a dedicated worker, she cleans the office, she cleans up the puppies poop(him and his son kept in the office), taking them for walks. I did confront my friend but she cliams she was only straighing up. In his mind, he felt that he was getting it cleaned for free. How I only work part-time. My college degree is in computers. He would also state the she is the only one who can work on the computers, I don't know what I doing. On other occasion, his son got the bathroom mirror dirty, he started to raise his voice saying noone around here does anything and this place is a mess. When I told him he did'nt ask me to clean, He started yelling at me that I was the reason he lost his free cleaning and you're done with it. Every chance he got he would let me know that I was only part-time. After the semester ended, he told me he was only going to keep me on a part time basis. After I aruged with him that she was only to fill in until the semester was over and if me attending college was a problem he should have let me know from the begining. I then told him I would have to look for another job, because I needed full time when I not attending school. He finally changed his mind. Know that the new semester has started(I am still working 32 hours a week) he is starting all over again. I just don't know why this is happing. He has my friend against me as well. What should I do?
If you're not happy there, then Look for another job. Your employer is more satisfied with your friend's job performance than they are with yours. Nothing you describe remotely suggests anything illegal has occured. They have no obligation to accommodate your school schedule or give you the number of hours you want to work as it suits you.
My plans are to look for a new job I have one year before I get my associates in computer informatio systems. He said from the begining that their was no problem with me attending school. He also had plans on sending me to school to become an Agent. My job performance is not the issue, the issue is that I am not kissing his ass. He told me that he knows she is underskilled, therefore, he is using this to his advantage. He knows she will not be able to get another job, without a high school diploma. I feel that the discrimination comes in by him paying her the same wages as me and I wont stoop to her level of being taken advantage of.
While you may feel this discrimination, the law does not agree with you. As I said above, nothing in your posts remotely suggests anything illegal has taken place. They can pay this other person ten times what you make and it would still be perfectly legal.
What most people fail to realize is that most discrimination is perfectly legal. It is only illegal when it is BECAUSE OF one the employee's race, religion, national origin, gender, disability,pregnancy or because they are over 40. (Some states include other reasons, to include but not limited to marital status, sexual orientation, or whether or not you smoke.)

Education or school schedule is NOT protected under either Federal law or the law of any states. Nothing in your post comes even remotely close to meeting the definition of illegal discrimination.
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