Competing Employee

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New Member
We found out that one of our full time employees working for our specialized business has been "moonlighting" for himself in direct competition with us. We also discovered that he has been using company equipment for this work. We cannot currently prove that he has stolen clients from us... but it is possible.

We gave him the option to stop moonlighting, sign a non-compete and continue working for us. He decided to quit.

We do not have a noncompete agreement with him.

Do we have grounds for a lawsuit (cival or criminal) for his actions - such as using company property to compete with us - so that we can threaten him with legal action if he tries to take any of our customers away from us?

Thank you.
We found out that one of our full time employees working for our specialized business has been "moonlighting" for himself in direct competition with us. We also discovered that he has been using company equipment for this work. We cannot currently prove that he has stolen clients from us... but it is possible.

We gave him the option to stop moonlighting, sign a non-compete and continue working for us. He decided to quit.

We do not have a noncompete agreement with him.

Do we have grounds for a lawsuit (cival or criminal) for his actions - such as using company property to compete with us - so that we can threaten him with legal action if he tries to take any of our customers away from us?

Thank you.
Possibly civil for using company material you could recoup the cost of the material. Thats about all I see.
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