Commission Question

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New Member
I work in a commission based environment and our commissions are posted in a data base where we can review what we earned but the problem is that we have what they chargebacks, which is within a certain time the customer returns or cancels the product, those chargebacks to our commission made is not listed in the database and are not listed on our paystubs. My question is that doesnt the employer have to by law list all commissions made and all taken away? Thanks in advance
You might want to check with your work agreement, rules, policies, and with HR if it is okay for them to provide…. They might be able to give it if you ask. Try that before determining if they keep it secret. There is nothing wrong with finding out………… The rules on reporting commissions, and methods would be covered in the policy. If you accepted in your contract or policy that they reserve the right not to make the information public then you can't complain much. Try finding out and see what they say. Some companies would make the information public to you if you contest your wages.
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