Medical Malpractice Colorado Malpractice

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About 10-15 years ago I was diagnosed as having diverticulosis or diverticulitis and I have just found out that it wasn't correct. Well, when the diagnosis was first given to me the Doctor did NOT run any tests on me and just had me "jump up and down" and gave me antipsychotic medicines. Five or six months later and I have no idea who many more visits to the same doctor, I ended up being suicidal and told people I "was sick of being sick". Thankfully I never did any harm to myself or others but did end up in the hospital for several days and continue to this day seeing professionals to help get me over the anxiety attacks and depression that came into place. Just yesterday I was told that I don't have diverticulosis or diverticulitis and with ultrasounds and x-rays that it is in fact Gallstones. This recent discovery has me so upset with the previous Doctor that I feel like I am seeing red. I will have another appointment with a surgeon to set up a date to have my gallbladder removed.

With that long story, and I'm not saying I will do anything, do I have a case? To think if the Doctor would have ran tests, actual tests, I may not have gone to the depth of depression I did. Is there a way to put a blemish on a Doctors record without doing a lawsuit? I feel that this Doctor may have done this more than once and know for a fact that one of his partners has been previously in trouble with the law so I want to prevent anyone else going thru this torture.

Please help me

About 10-15 years ago I was diagnosed as having diverticulosis or diverticulitis and I have just found out that it wasn't correct. Well, when the diagnosis was first given to me the Doctor did NOT run any tests on me and just had me "jump up and down" and gave me antipsychotic medicines. Five or six months later and I have no idea who many more visits to the same doctor, I ended up being suicidal and told people I "was sick of being sick". Thankfully I never did any harm to myself or others but did end up in the hospital for several days and continue to this day seeing professionals to help get me over the anxiety attacks and depression that came into place. Just yesterday I was told that I don't have diverticulosis or diverticulitis and with ultrasounds and x-rays that it is in fact Gallstones. This recent discovery has me so upset with the previous Doctor that I feel like I am seeing red. I will have another appointment with a surgeon to set up a date to have my gallbladder removed.

With that long story, and I'm not saying I will do anything, do I have a case? To think if the Doctor would have ran tests, actual tests, I may not have gone to the depth of depression I did. Is there a way to put a blemish on a Doctors record without doing a lawsuit? I feel that this Doctor may have done this more than once and know for a fact that one of his partners has been previously in trouble with the law so I want to prevent anyone else going thru this torture.

Please help me


My guess, things look DIFFICULT at best.

Why not consult with a couple local lawyers?

The initial consultation is often FREE of charge or obligation.
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