Cod battle



My kids are currently place with CPS but they were placed with family for caregivers my daughter today was removed from my brothers house so I was wondering what the process is for adoption iif she goes to foster care can my brother still adopt her
My kids are currently place with CPS but they were placed with family for caregivers my daughter today was removed from my brothers house so I was wondering what the process is for adoption iif she goes to foster care can my brother still adopt her

Your brother needs to enquire about potential adoption of your kids.

If CPS removed the child from his home, that's odd.

Read this about your rights for requesting a lawyer when the CPS snatches your kids. If i were you, I'd ask for a court appointed lawyer.

Generally, CPS likes to avoid going to court.
CPS wants to make decisions by fiat, without allowing DUE PROCESS for all parties (you, the kids, the other parent, and the state) to occur.

DUE PROCESS is why you want to get this matter in a court, before a judge, and a jury.

Yes, in TEXAS, all court proceedings are mandated to have a jury IF one of the parties demands a jury.

You have the right to consult with a lawyer at any point in the investigation at your own expense.

If CPS files a lawsuit regarding your children, you may ask the court for a lawyer to represent you.

The court may or may not be able to provide you with a lawyer based on court rules and your financial situation.

In some communities, Legal Aid may be available, or you can contact the local bar association or call Lawyer Referral Service at the State Bar of Texas (1-800-252-9690).

CPS employees are prohibited by law from giving legal advice.

read this:
5400 Removal of a Child and Related Proceedings and Requirements
A few things you should know about CPS litigation | Texas District & County Attorneys Association



Please use proper sentences and grammar. It isn't clear why you don't have your child, or why she was removed from your brother. Do you still have parental rights?
Your post isn't completely clear- could we have more details, please.