Co-parenting classes and other issues

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New Member
Hello. First post here. Thanks in advance for responding.

Ok, the situation is this...let's say:
It's Ft. Worth, Texas..

Spouse A wants a divorce, has filed uncontested/pro-se.
Spouse B does not want a divorce (I realize that this is already considered evidence of irreconcilability), but wants counseling and to "work it out". Spouse A is firm.

There is a lot of community debt (90k), due to school debts (for A) and a meager salary for a while, but no real assets to speak of; a couple thousand in an IRA.
There is a kindergarten-age child involved.
Spouse B stayed at home and raised the child, but had online access and was encouraged to get online education of some kind, but instead played online RPG's.

Spouse A had several illicit email affairs and one physical one during the course of the marriage, all of which were overlooked by spouse B so as to not rock the boat. (would this be condonement??) The latest has coincided with (or resulted in, whatever your outlook) the petition for divorce. Most of the evidence was obtained through the use of computer spyware/hacking to read emails.

Spouse A is offering to take on nearly all of the community debt, take a meager amount of the household stuff, pay for job training for B (limited extent), and keep B as partial beneficiary for a good sized (but no monetary-value) life insurance policy and of course will pay for child's health insurance (that's required anyway, i know)
In return, A wants joint conservatorship and 50/50 possession with the child.

Complication: B wants it in the decree that A didn't want counseling (though A did plead for it long ago) and that A was adulterous. Also, B does not seem inclined to attend co-parenting classes, though I believe it is required only for spouse-A. So, that in mind, how afraid does spouse A have to be that spouse B can:

A. Find pro-bono legal help, since B doesn't have a job or assets?
B. Force A to include the above information in the decree to get a pound of flesh; and use it later against A, should there be future disagreements or conflicts?
C. Control whom A dates or shares residence with after the divorce?

Can A make B attend the co parenting class, or is that better done through negotiation?

Thanks, I think that's all there is. I know that's a lot, and if it's too much, I'll understand. So far, two people have voiced the following opinions:
1. "I would not allow such information to be inserted into the decree"
2. "eeh, put it in there, if B will sign off on all the other stuff; won't matter in possession and conservatorship anyway"

Opinions? Thanks again.
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You both need to see an attorney if you cannot work out anything. You will be hard pressed to find a pro bono attorney, most do not work for free but the non working spouse can petition the courts for the other spouse to pay legal fees.

It is suggested the non working spouse find some employment as divorce is going to cause a financial hardship.

If you are in a no fault state you really cannot contest the divorce, nor will adultery make much of a difference.

Neither spouse has any say on who the other one dates after a divorce, but you can put in temp or final papers that no overnight non related guests are allowed, and both sides will need to agree to it.

I suggest both parties seek counsel.
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