clear my name and reputation

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New Member
I live in the state of Florida.

I am a teacher who was told the administation will not renew my contract because of so called rumors about myself being mean, very strict and not friendly. The parents in the school supposedly are saying to the principal that they do not want their children put in my class. I couldn't believe my ears. These statements are just so untrue. I believe my assistant is speading these rumors to parents. She had told my principal a few months ago that I was mean to her and yelled at her. This is such a detailed story I am not sure I can include everything. I do have just a few questions though.
I am apealing the decision to not renew my contract. What sort of plan should I start with. Should I first try to prove the accusation false or should my administration have to prove that I am "mean" and not liked in my school? Is that even legal to do in Florida? Should I confront my assistant with my opinions? I want to clear my name and reputation. If the administration cannot prove any of the accusations they have heard, can I ask the administration for a public "clearing of my name" to deny the rumors. I see here I do not have the backing of my adminitration and do not wish to work for them now anyway, but I would like my reputation back.

Please help if you can.
Whether or not you are "mean", "strict" or "not friendly" are matters of opinion. You do not, in this country, get to sue people because of their opinions.

Unless your contract contains language which guarantees renewal, the principal is not obligated to do so.
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