Medical Malpractice Child Visitations

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CP stopped visitations and told NCP that he would need to get legal visitation schedule. There had been too many injuries and medical attention was administered without the CONSENT or knowledge of CP and when medical attention was needed there was reports that DID NOT MATCH. And then child started returning from visitations with same clothes left in two days prior and was being abused by older sibling. NCP parent petitions for FULL CUSODY AND filing of a divorce?? Drug test court ordered along with NCP agreed to pay for all instituted against the CP? NCP had pressed for a COURT ORDER that WASN'T agreed on and CP PARENT WAS NEVER MARRIED TO NCP. And CP married for over 4 years and with husband for 7 1/2 years where husband of CP is known as DAD to the child in case and NCP has always been referred to as Rick due to his having to deal with criminal charges, revocations of probation and then getting sentenced to shock time and is currently on probation. Those issues were not ever discussed with the child and had gotten used to what his schedule and or contact had become. He didn't spend visitation time with the child and had only had the child one on one, 2 times her entire life. Was in arrears over $13,000.00 and CP never pressed that issue or NCP would have sat in shock time longer until arrears were paid up. As of recent custody case is set for trial over "court orders" he is claiming to have aren't valid, being contested! But yet the child has stated to an officer and her doctor and GAL who was assigned to her. That she wasn't ok with going on any more visitations because Rick won't protect her he's gone right after he picks her up and she is left with children in his house hold at that moment. She has came home with bruises up her back a split lip, black eyes. And yet the ER doctors can only call it "POOR PARENTING" due to its not ABUSE if done by another minor??? NCP files for motion of family access! Representing himself we ask for a continuance and its denied, the JUDGE who openly admitted to NOT KNOWING THIS CASE. And That NCP states CP has been denying visitation per his DIRECT DEMAND COURT ORDER! And the JUDGE states to NCP he was giving him his personal cell phone number and if there was any problems picking up the "CHILREN" that he would be more than happy to have the CP PLACED IN JAIL!! And every weekend was to be given as visitations. The GAL was not there in court on the child's behalf and wasn't too happy about what had happened.
The child was taken in to talk to CP attorney who explained to the child that there is some kind of "ORDER" that needs to be followed and we would have to tough it out. And she the child asked what if I need help and can't get to a phone? Because they wouldn't let me use their phone. And her sisters are much bigger than her if she tried to get out of the house to go to the neighbors call 911. What if they stopped her. Ultimately mom would go to jail if she didn't go per this calling from court and then she would be forced to stay with NCP if mom went to jail... NO CHILD SHOULD EVER HAVE TO SACRIFICE THEMSELVES OVER SAFTEY OR KEEPING HER MOTHER OUT OF "JAIL"... How does this happen? And the CIVIL RIGHTS OF EITHER PARENT LET ALONE THE ONE THAT SHOWS UP TO COURT WITH AN ATTORNEY TO GET A. CONTINUANCE! The ORDER NCP IS CLAIMING TO HAVE INCLUDES ONE NIGHT THROUGH THE SCHOOL WEEK!! Over night the child is behind in home work and this being a new school year!!! And the STRESS THIS LITTLE GIRL HAS HAD PUT ON HER IS MORE THAN ANYTHING SEEN e specially by a COURT
Your post is rather rambling.... and I'm not certain what your question is.
If you have court ordered visitation then adhere to it. If not, get one.

Do you have a specific question to ask?
Yes indeed - typing in coherent sentences is rather important.

One thing though - calling Dad something other than Dad, while calling a legal stranger Dad instead, is NOT going to impress the court.
Madam, you chose the cad. Because he was your choice to be seeded by, the court won't second guess that. You're simply reaping what he sowed.

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