Child Support

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New Member
Here is my situation.
April-child support hearing with mediator
Was granted child support with it being retroactive from March.
May-wage assignment was issued and it was 8 weeks since that took effect and child's mother quit her job.
August-found another job. Was issued a wage assignment to current employer
October-issued another wage assignment to her current employer
November 4- attached wages but when Child support enforcement agency contacted them on the 7th they stated they sent the money as of today there has nothing been received from her current employer

*Mother informed me that they were going to submit once a month for child support in which I informed my agent of this!!!

I am on my fifth round of writing letters to local, state and federal agencies regarding this and how an employer dictates when they will abide by the law.

I am unable to find set amount to what happens if the noncustodial parent is behind $1000, or $2000. Does anyone know?

What are your thoughts on what to do??
The state will warn the employer of their legal obligations to withhold for CS and be able to tell you what the fines are for non-compliance.
The state will warn the employer of their legal obligations to withhold for CS and be able to tell you what the fines are for non-compliance.

Her employer doesn't take the child support enforcement agent seriously; they have contacted them last 7 weeks and still no compliance. Would I have case if I went to a private attorney and filed a contempt of court against them myself?
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