Child Support

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I my ex spouse convince me to sign divorce papers without consulting a lawyer in July in (GA). Come to find out I am paying too much child support and her lawyer did not even ask me for bank statements because I am self employed. The divorce requires for me to pay $1500 a month with a my income being only 3,000 gross salary a month but in the divorce papers it states I make 6,000 a month and my ex spouse makes $3000 a month. And I know she makes more than that. On top of that I made payments every month but only what I can afford and now Im unemployed and she has served papers to go back to court and our divorce was finalized in July. She said she wont stop until she puts me in jail and on top of that she keeps calling me family and telling them shes going to put me in jail even though our divorce papers states no harrassment. She wont even let me talk to my kids. I feel her lawyer is even out to get me and I try talking to her and she wont even work with me. I have 2 questions 1) can she take me to court even if i provided her with all the information. 2) what can i do with this situaution and I need help but I do not have money-After all I gave my ex spouse our house I paid for, 2 cars, my 2 kids and the dog. I have to start all over and my ex spouse has it all-does the court have any sympathy for men. All I want is to take care of my children and be apart of their lives and move on. Please help me before I go insane.
You really need to see if you can contact a fathers rights group or attorney to help you. You should not have signed anything without an attorney seeing it. You can contact GA child support enforcement and ask them how to file for a CS modification.

Also she cannot without visitation. If there is a set visitation schedule she must abide by it or she is in comtempt, and you can go down to the court house and file contempt charges.
I my ex spouse convince me to sign divorce papers without consulting a lawyer in July in (GA). Come to find out I am paying too much child support and her lawyer did not even ask me for bank statements because I am self employed. The divorce requires for me to pay $1500 a month with a my income being only 3,000 gross salary a month but in the divorce papers it states I make 6,000 a month and my ex spouse makes $3000 a month. And I know she makes more than that. On top of that I made payments every month but only what I can afford and now Im unemployed and she has served papers to go back to court and our divorce was finalized in July. She said she wont stop until she puts me in jail and on top of that she keeps calling me family and telling them shes going to put me in jail even though our divorce papers states no harrassment. She wont even let me talk to my kids. I feel her lawyer is even out to get me and I try talking to her and she wont even work with me. I have 2 questions 1) can she take me to court even if i provided her with all the information. 2) what can i do with this situaution and I need help but I do not have money-After all I gave my ex spouse our house I paid for, 2 cars, my 2 kids and the dog. I have to start all over and my ex spouse has it all-does the court have any sympathy for men. All I want is to take care of my children and be apart of their lives and move on. Please help me before I go insane.

Of course you are paying more, that's what she payed her shyster for. I've yet, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota and wyoming, to find a shyster that wasn't a lying dirt bag, incompetent at best.

First of all, this is not legal advise, as I'm not a shyster.

You should be able to go to the clerk of courts office, and ask for a form to modify/report changes in income. They should have to apply statutes to get the amount. YOu too can look this up, and figure out what you actually owe.

If you ex is denying visitation, custody can and SHOULD change hands. I have a ton of case law on this.

If your ex is living with another man, custody can and SHOULD change hands. Have case law to back this up too.

As far as a "free" shyster for a fam. law case, that just ain't gonna happen. These cases are their bred and butter. I fought for 10 long years, spending an un-godly amount on worthless, lying shysters who just stole my money, then would say" well, we can't really do anything, it would make the judge mad". I took my case over, had one final hearing, and now have full custody and control. I'm supposed to get paid child support from the mother. She is 5 years behind, and when she finally hits 10 years, I'm filing a criminal complaint in Federal Court.

NOw, as far as you not paying the amount set: First of all, you should(check this out, again, none of this is legal advise) be fine paying what you can afford. Even if it's only $100/month. Where the courts seeem to get so upset, is when you just stop paying all together. If you make an attempt, the judge my be a little easier on you.

Also, failure to pay is civil contempt. Minimal fine in most states, and, again, check this out, if you DO NOT HAVE A SHYSTER, they can not jail you. (You may have a Federal Action if they do put you in jail for a day)

IF you like, you can pm me on here. I know a guy who can help. He charges less than $3000/year, yep, that is correct, not per month, but per year. This includes all your paper work done, phone call's, etc... He's a great guy, and hates the system even more than I do. :yes:

YOu may want to go the above route, as you may also have an action against your ex's shyster for abuse of process, filing false documents and so on. You may wan't to contact the Department of Justice is Washington, and file a complaint through them. I would.

Good luck, and if you need someone like I mentioned, let me know, will get you his phone # right away. Did I mention Dennis takes call's 24/7?? No shyster will do that without fixing the bill! Dennis is strait forward, has helped with thousands of cases in the US.
You really need to see if you can contact a fathers rights group or attorney to help you. You should not have signed anything without an attorney seeing it. You can contact GA child support enforcement and ask them how to file for a CS modification.

Also she cannot without visitation. If there is a set visitation schedule she must abide by it or she is in comtempt, and you can go down to the court house and file contempt charges.

I agree totally with the first part of the quote. The second part, sounds like a mother lover. Contempt of court won't help. The good judge will say, "gee mommy, I know things are hard. You cannot prevent/hinder visitation, so be a good mommy and let him see his child/ren". That will be about the size of it.

If she has denied visitation, and you have documentation of this(police reports, witness's) you NEED to file for a change in custody. Again, I have the cases to back this up. Custody can change hands for "FRUSTRATING VISITATION", there ain't much hope for her self terminating visitation.

Again, PM me, and I"ll get you with the brotherhood of fathers rights, and I can promise, if you do as you are told, in six months at the most, you life will be completely different,as will visitation(Mom will be doing supervised visits for life).
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