Child Support questions

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I am engaged to a man who has a child from a previous relationship. He gave her complete custody but now we understand that it was not court ordered and would not stand up in court. They have been separated for over 8 years. He is not allowed contact and there is no child support being paid. My questions are 1. If his ex were to file for support after our marriage will my income be considered or will it stay seperate? Also, is there a statue of limitations for her to file or can she file at any time? When the child reaches 18 will this be the end of it?
His ex can file for support at any time. Why is he not seeing the child? He needs to go to court and file for visitation. As long as he allows mom to call the shots, he'll never see the kid. Unless there is a court order officially giving mom custody, dad should be able to see the child.
no you wont be. You are not responsible for his past bill's or children. It is not your child, nor your responsibility to pay for that child. If you were to adopt that child, then yes you would be held responsible for CS. But if you adopted you'd have custody so there wouldn't be CS huh? lol.
As for visitation's, you both need to remember, if he does go to court to get visits, i'd bet my life she'll go for CS, just to punish him for going for visitation. And yes she can file at any time, but if they are 18, I know in NY parent's can be made to pay CS until the child is 23, unless they have a job or move out of the house. You'd have to look into your state laws on child support.

I am not a lawyer
And one more thing, to make even more sure your money doesnt get touched, get a prenump that say's you are not responsible for any of his past debt and any CS he may owes before and after you marry. Same with anything you buy, house, car... put it in your name, and put in the prenump that he gets half of everything if you go through the big D, just to make him feel better about not being on any of the title's. That way he doesnt feel like you'll take off wwith everything. It's not to hurt his feeling's, but this is the best way to make sure what you two work for wont get taken away.

I am not a lawyer and you may want to ask one before you do a prenump, just to double check.
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I am engaged to a man who has a child from a previous relationship. He gave her complete custody but now we understand that it was not court ordered and would not stand up in court. They have been separated for over 8 years. He is not allowed contact and there is no child support being paid. My questions are 1. If his ex were to file for support after our marriage will my income be considered or will it stay seperate? Also, is there a statue of limitations for her to file or can she file at any time? When the child reaches 18 will this be the end of it?

1-Your income will be used to calculate an amount.(Gross income) This will cause an increase in his payments. Why doesn't he get custody and make her pay? I did.

No sol at this point. She can file, and will get support. Why can't she get a job?

Your b/f best bet would be to file for full custody. God, dont' wait for her to file, it will be nothing but lies (he drinks and beats me, he does drugs, bla, bla, bla) SSDD.

If he files first, chances are very good on a win.
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