child support never given

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New Member
Child's father released from incarceration and ordered to pay minimum until finding a job..was working under the table but has refused to pay. It has been almost two years that he has been on child support with no payments. He was ordered to go through job search program but quit and did 30 days lock up.. is there a way to make him look for work or some way to make him support his child financially?
Child's father released from incarceration and ordered to pay minimum until finding a job..was working under the table but has refused to pay. It has been almost two years that he has been on child support with no payments. He was ordered to go through job search program but quit and did 30 days lock up.. is there a way to make him look for work or some way to make him support his child financially?

As you have seen, there is no way to make the deadbeat do anything.
Sure, he can be summoned to court, lectured, threatened, warned, and even incarcerated; all to what end?
Nada, nothing, squat, zip, zero, zilch, just do his time, get released, wash, rinse, repeat.
That's about the worse that can ever happen to deadbeats, madam, a 30, maybe 60 day jail term, then he's free.
If he ever does work above the table, maybe they can seize his income tax returns, maybe.
Otherwise, there's very little the legal system can do for you.
Even if you get/have court awarded child support to be paid, if he has no money or has money & will not pay there isn't much (if anything) you can do to get paid.
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