Child Support Help

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New Member
Ok, I'm in Pa. I have 50/50 custody in fact I'm the one who took the mother to court. Recently about a month or so ago I get a call saying I have to go get my daughter from her mothers cousins house from Children and Youth about 3 days prior to me picking my daughter up. I have my daughter for a full week Sunday to Sunday every other week therfore defining the 50/50. They said there was no heat, place was dirty, and signs of neglect. During my week a case worker calls and says the house is liveable again so everything can go back to normal. Supposably Children and Youth made her apply for assistance and consulting the father (me) for child support. I found this out by getting court papers in the mail. Its unfair that I would have to pay anything considering I have half the custody, not to mention I'm a good parent and the mother isn't. I would like to know what is going to happen? Please help.
All you can do is file for custody. Unfortunately if she files for gov't assistance they will make you pay support. It does not make sense. If I were you file for custody.
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