CHILD Support hearing Monday HELP

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New Member
Smeone help me.. My ex husband owes me 12k in arrears support. Right before a court hearing where he was to be sent to jail on contempt, he talked my daughter into wanting to live with him. Mind you she has lived with me all 14 years of her life, but i have rules and he doesnt so she feels better to live with "Daddy" right now.. I am a sinbgle mom of 2 and have no criminal background .. he does.. and I have always kepot a job. I have had the same employer for 10 years and have worked hard to make it up the corporate ladder. He is 38 and still living with parents and has no bills. He saved himself by the courts giving him temporary residentual custody of her! They would put him in jail since she was living with him, and decided to give him another chance. The commisiioner stated he needed to pay back the 12k but would suspend the support going forward since she is living with him and I now do every other weekend and 1 dinner night a week ( this was not my choice, and I want her to live with me.. I miss her so muvch and she is not the same child that I usta know) So he took me to court for child support.. yes you heard me right! He owes me 12k and he wants me to pay him support.. so the calculations show I am to pay 522.00 a month to this deadbeat! I declined and I have a hearing in front of a commissioner Monday. Please advise me the best way to present my case. I am lost.. He gets away with everything. We divorced due to his abuse to me.. I had a PFA on him and he stalked me.. he has done this to other women too but always seems to come back to me.. He is doing this out of spite, and I fear he will win. Please help me. I have no problems paying for her needs asd I currently do. I pay for everything in her life and with him having no rent and living with parent and no bills I just dont understand what he would need so much money for. Get this too.. they are wage attahing me.. not him.. What is wrong with this system!? He came to mediation with a paper, from his girlfriends dad stating he was his employer and he wasnt working fulltime rigtjh now and making a rediculously low amount.. How can he come without proper paystubs, or documentation and here i brought paystubs and tax papers.. what is wrong here.. How do I present this case to the commissioner on Monday and win? I love my daughter, but she is a normal teenager going though stages.. She has become a monster since she began living with him.. not even caring about her higene! Please help me..
You can ask that your support be taken out of his arrearages. It does not seem right they will make you pay when he didn't. Also make sure you still get the tax credit to claim.
what do you mean the tax credit? I can claim what I pay? I absolutly beleive that the parent she lives with should receive support for the things she needs, and i want to contribute something, but when she is turning 15 in July and I already pay everything Idont understand why he would need 522.00a month from me.
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