Child support for teen parents?

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I am a seventeen year old mother of a three month old. I got my GED and am in college taking online courses and taking care of the baby full time. His father left me when I was seven months pregnant. He came around sporadically until two weeks ago when he decided he wants nothing to do with him. He says theres no way he should have to pay child support, and I know that is a crock. He has emailed saying if I do not take him for child support he will be involved in our sons life. I am torn.

He is seventeen, soon to be eighteen, with no job. Will he even be ordered to pay anything? He is going to a four year college next fall and he says making him pay is unfair. I sort of feel as if it is. I take care of the baby and have a part time job, so I feel he could at least do this. But I wonder if the amount of money will even be substantial. His family does not struggle at all, and he has no responsibilities while I have the weight of the world on me. Is it even worth pursuing child support? Will he have to get a job, can they make him? What will happen if he is unable to pay? I have so many questions I just cannot get them all out at once.

Thanks in advance, Heather
You have to google your states child support laws. Was paterntiy even established? Dad should be encouraged to be involved in the childs life. With that said you are entitled to support and Dad does not have the option of not working now that he has a child to support. CS and visitation are seperate issues and if he wants visitation you can ask that it be supervised. Also if you happen to go on any soft of government assistance, the state will file child support anyways.

I say, file for child support. He will have to pay and if he doesnt work an income will be calulated for him most likely. He does not have to see the child if he doesnt want oo and if he does you will have to cooperate once a court order for visitation is put in. Paternity will need to be established.
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