child support arrearage

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New Member
Hello. I am a US veteran 100% disabled and unemployable living for the past 9 year in the country of the Rep. of Panama. My situation I very complicated. My question is, can I have my accumulated arreage dismissed based on my disable and unemployable status? Also because of jurisdiction laws?
Some disability SSI) is not touchable.

In your case, SSDI and certain federal funds can be intercepted.

Now your military and veterans disability funds, I'm just not sure.

The fact you are outside the US, creates a service (hence notice issue) issue for the plaintiff.

That said certain disability isn't reachable for certain debts.

I suggest you consult an attorney, and discuss how best YOU can rid yourself of your dilemma.

If they're YOUR kids, your actions are hurting them, not the female.
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Hello. I am a US veteran 100% disabled and unemployable living for the past 9 year in the country of the Rep. of Panama. My situation I very complicated. My question is, can I have my accumulated arreage dismissed based on my disable and unemployable status? Also because of jurisdiction laws?

If your arrears are owed to the other parent, the other parent will have the choice of whether or not the arrears can be forgiven.

If your arrears are owed to the state, you've got no chance of getting those arrears forgiven.

Jurisdiction is a non-issue.

Military disability and pensions can be attached (collected) to satisfy a child support debt.
(Service isn't an issue, in all honesty - all the State needs to do is provide alternate service such as publication for it to go ahead...and that's when service is even necessary ;) )
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