child support and liscense suspention

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What does a person do who has had their drivers liscense suspened because of child support that they owe? Jobs that they qualify for require that they have a drivers liscense and without one they can't get a job. So is there any legal way around this?
This was a question that I was asking for a friend of mine. I am not sure when the last payment was made. I was just trying find out if there was any way that they could a work release type driver's liscense.
i can answer when he paid child support last and update you on the true facts of her story,,,this woman picked a man from maryland up at the greyhound station in north dakota,,,this man owed 90,000 in back child support and hadn't paid a penny for 6 years prior to her post,,,,she pick him up,,, took him home to her family and attmepted to hide him from the authorities,,which she has lied to on several occasions,,,changed her number so the social services couldn't call the man,,, this man also told a story to friends in maryland where he let a young girl watch him have oral sex,,, this man is married and has three children he abandoned in pennsylvania where he owed the support,,,this woman let him make hundreds of fone calls from her residence and also to make profiles,,,send emails to harrass and frighten the people who were looking for him,,,he had numberous bench warrants,,, failure to appears and comtempt of court's in maryland and pennsylvania,,, this man also took his sister into a tax office and had her pose as his wife to get earned income which is fraud,,,this man has run from child support for 20 years and into three states,,, this is the kind of woman that hinders men paying their support,,,his licensed was suspended five years before her posts,,,now to update,,, this man got a settlement from an injury and walked out on the woman,,,who would have thought??!! now she has passed out his daughter's fone number to her friends and has them calling maryland asking for info on where the man is,,,in your opinion, is there any legal action i can take against this woman?? thank you THE MURRAY KIDS
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