Child care

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New Member
i would like to know if i am responsible for child care when my ex has the kids, it does not say it in the papers but he refuses to pay and says he pays child support and i am suppose to pay when he has the kids also
i would like to know if i am responsible for child care when my ex has the kids, it does not say it in the papers but he refuses to pay and says he pays child support and i am suppose to pay when he has the kids also
What state are the court orders from?
What kind of child care? Daycare? Babysitting? How often does your ex have the child?
State is Tn, he has them one week on Mon/Tues and next week Mon/Tues/Wed, the orders do not say anything about me paying for his care, it defeats the purpose of the child support if i am using it to pay his daycare for while he is at work, i advised him at one time he was to pay it and he just refused to pay the Daycare and i was forced too
The Tennessee child support worksheet includes credits for child care expenses. If he was credited with child care expenses, then I believe that he is responsible for payment during his time. However, if you were credited with all child care expenses, then the child support he pays was based on that, and you would have to pay it.
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