change of owners while hurt both claim other owned at time

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I was stung by a bee at work and am allergic so I had to go to the doctor told my work I needed to and told me that it would be payed for. When I got the bill to send to them they claim the old owner is responsible but he says that they owned it by then. How do I find out who owned so I can get this paid for its 400 dollars.

Also same employeers check bounced how do I go about getting the money for the check I cashed it at a store and they want there money.

Should I get a lawyer?
How do I find out who owned so I can get this paid for its 400 dollars. Since worker's comp regulations vary by State, it's not possible to say whether the employer is liable for the bee-sting bill but if you're getting the run-around between the two owners, you can call your State's Worker's Compensation Division and they will assist you.

Also same employeers check bounced how do I go about getting the money for the check I cashed it at a store and they want there money. Contact your State's Department of Labor and file a complaint.

At this point, no, you do not need a lawyer. The State will enforce the law with the employer on your behalf.
Have you contacted the WC Division since then to see what's happened to your complaint? You're free to consult with an attorney of course but the problem is that the legal fee will cost you as much if not more than the $400 you are owed.

You could file a claim in Small Claims Court for the $400. If the State can't or won't help, then that would be the most economical and easiest way to pursue this.
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