Car dealer possible disolve my contract


New Member
I just bought a brand new car and part of the agreement was they would finance an extra $2k to payoff a title loan. One of the desk managers who worked with us showed us the numbers. We specifically ask does this include the title loan and he said yes. So We get to the end of process and we are signing the financial paperwork and we ask when can we expect our check to the finance manager. He not knowing what we're talking about brings us out to the desk manager where the desk manager tells us we usually mail it but we can hold it and call you that it does take a few weeks. A few weeks go by and we contact the dealer and they tell us we don't have any money coming back to us. The desk managers boss said that we maybe able to desolve the deal. I'm am ready to do just that desolve the deal just want to make sure I know how this will impact me financially as I've had the car a month and legally. Also will it impact my credit?
The answers you seek are buried among that mountain of paperwork you signed and received when the deal closed.

You can dissolve the deal.
It'll cost you, boss, big money.
Well, it ain't gonna be chicken corn.
You've had the car 6 weeks, give or take.

I'm guessing the dealer will charge you about $3,000 to $6,000 for RENTING the car you thought you had bought.

Your mistake was buying a car before YOU paid off the title loan scam.

Another mistake was believing something told to you buy a salesperson (dude at an auto dealer, they're ALL salespeople in the showroom area) without verifying it in the contract.

If it isn't in writing in the contract, it ain't ever gonna happen.
It sounds like a $2000 markup on the sales price. You got hosed. As above, if there isn't something written in the contract about the payoff then you weren't promised anything, regardless of what anyone said. You should not have signed the contract if that language was not included.