can't pay alimony

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spouse's lawyer is asking for more money then i can afford to pay. will have no money left over from paycheck after rent on small aprtment (which is less than average rent for where i live) and my utility bills and car payment (owe more on car than it is worth). he is also asking for $10,000 in legal fees which i will never be able to pay (am 63 years old). my lawyer is advising me to accept this, and says a judge would order even more. to pay my lawyer, i have borrowed money from everyone i know and maxed out all my credit cards. spouse is keeping all assets. there are no children involved. this just doesnt seem right.
what is the penalty if i canot pay what i am ordered? my lawyer mentioned jail- what can i expect in terms of sentencing?
if i go to jail, i will lose my job and most likely not be able to get another one.
any advice?
I do not know what state you are in or any specifics, but were you the sole breadwinner of the marriage? How long were you married?> I would be getting a second opinion from another attorney. I think the judge thinks you are hiding assets and money. It's unusual for a woman to pay alimony unless there is a difference of income. If you really have no money and no asstes, how is the judge ordering this? Is your spouse disabled?
thanks- in response to your questions...South Carolina. Married over 40 years. Sole breadwiner. Spouse works full time and recieves social security benefits and a pension....
does this help- i'd like to know what you think...
It doesnt sound like you are the sole breadwinner if your spouse works full time and receives SS and pension. Is your income still higher? If it is its normal to pay alimony. It's gender neutral. So I take it your income is more than his? You might want to get a second opinion from another attorney. Being in a long term marriage does not mean one spouse collects alimony unless there is an income differential. I am not an attorney.
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