Medical Malpractice cancer

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about 7 years ago, Leslie was diagnosed with stage 4 limphona. 1 year before that, she arrived at the hospital complaining of weakness, balls beneath her skin (swollen limph nodes). she was 17 years old at the time. doctor just sent her home with tylenol. Now on HOSPICE. would statute of limitations still disqualify a lawsuit if the patient has been sedated and in hospitals for almost the entire time? Chemo, transplants, treatments, etc..?
about 7 years ago, Leslie was diagnosed with stage 4 limphona. 1 year before that, she arrived at the hospital complaining of weakness, balls beneath her skin (swollen limph nodes). she was 17 years old at the time. doctor just sent her home with tylenol. Now on HOSPICE. would statute of limitations still disqualify a lawsuit if the patient has been sedated and in hospitals for almost the entire time? Chemo, transplants, treatments, etc..?

You should discuss your concerns with an attorney near you.

There are exceptions to the SOL in medical malpractice matters, and an attorney can discuss that with you when you meet.

No need to post more here, as we don't need to know more.

Visit an attorney and discus sand make an informed choice.
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