Canadian Mom fighting American Dad for Child Support

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New Member
I'm looking for any info on how i can enforce my ex to pay his child support.
I'm living in Canada and he is an American living over sea's in Asia.I have filed with my local Family Maintenance office and they are doing what they can,
but he live's in a country that Canada doesn't enforce child support with Canada.He is thousands of dollars behind,has nothing to do with his son,and is laughing at me about all of this.I have worked for many years trying to get him involved with his son again with no lucky.I sent pictures report cards etc....My queation is what do i do or what can i do to put restrictions on passport or lein anything he may inherit in the future in the USA,he is orginally from La porte Indiana and has family still,dad etc.Can child support be enforced from the usa if involving canadain mother with the American in Asia ....I'm very confused and need all info can get Please Help !!!
If he is in a foreign country not party to the Hague convention there is probably nothing you can do to collect support. The passport restriction I believe only applies if he has an American passport and once he reaches 2500.00 in arrears his passport will be restricted. You will probably get his tax returns if he files, if that is any consolation.
He does have an American passport and he is $4000.00 dollars in arrears.He has lived in Malaysia for the past 7 years.Canada doesn't enforce child support to that state and i need to figure out if i can go through his native country America to do anything.I have his passport number and social security number but not sure how the american law works for child support.He is from the state of Indiana orginally ,he will be inheriting his fathers estate as he is an only child.In Canada we can put leins on any thing he may inherit of win in the future.Can this be done in the U.S.A as well or not if so how would i do this.
He does have an American passport and he is $4000.00 dollars in arrears.He has lived in Malaysia for the past 7 years.Canada doesn't enforce child support to that state and i need to figure out if i can go through his native country America to do anything.I have his passport number and social security number but not sure how the american law works for child support.He is from the state of Indiana orginally ,he will be inheriting his fathers estate as he is an only child.In Canada we can put leins on any thing he may inherit of win in the future.Can this be done in the U.S.A as well or not if so how would i do this.
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