Can We Sue For This?

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New Member
My husband is on 2 different probations. Last year he had 1 of his probations revoked for not following the release agreement by not seeing his PO and a few other things. He spent over 3 months in jail and when he got out he thought that he was completely done with jail time. He has since followed all his rules of probation and has done very well until the other day he was arrested for a warrant out of the same county for the same charges as the year before , the only difference is that they are trying to violate a different probation, not the one that was revoked. So my question is, is this legal? Isn't it double jeopardy and shouldn't the court have brought up the issue of the other probation in the same hearing as before? How can they wait a year before issuing a warrant when he was sitting in their jail when the charge against that probation was originally documented. Help I need my hubby home before Christmas!
You can sue anyone for most anything ... but you won't always win.

This situation will require an attorney to sort out. Violating someone's OTHER probation is not "double jeopardy". There may be some procedural problem, but, it may be entirely permissible.

He needs an attorney to look at the issue.

- Carl
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