Can someone help me?

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New Member
Hello. I joined because of my sister. She signed a joint custody order when she got her divorce in Jan. 2006.Her exhusband made no contact whatsoever with their daughter until it was supposed to go back to court in Dec. 2006 then he called 3 days before the hearing(she and my niece lived with us). The ex-husband was dealing drugs and that is why my sister signed the joint custody agreement, just to get her daughter in a safe place. He has been under investigation for the past 2 years and to make matters even worse, last year he married his girlfriend who is a registered child sex offender. When we went to court in Dec, the judge ordered visitation of alternating weeks or my sister goes to jail for contempt of court. My niece has been appointed a Guardian ad litem, who will not meet with my sister. Social workers have done studies and want the child out of the house because of mental abuse by the father but we can't get anything done. The GAL has been told that the father is under investigation but says that it is just sister's word against ex. My sister has an attorney but he doesn't seem to want to help. Who do we need to contact to get my niece out of this house before she is killed by a dope deal gone bad? PLEASE help us!!! The judge in the case will not speak with my sister either.We live in Virginia.
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