Can my employeer do this?

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New Member
Well let me give the back ground first and then I will ask the question.

This past weekend I had a birthday slash house warming party. I invited 10 people from work. But no one from my department, I did this becuase I felt that if I invite one I needed to invite all and some of them I would not want at my house never mind hang out with. So I decided not to invite any of them. including myself there are 6 of us.

So I come into work Monday with Emails from my boss stating that he is hurt that I did not invite the team. I explained my reasoning and he an the rest of the department do not talk to me at all.

But what makes this worse is the HR guy has sent me 6-7 emails telling me how bad I was for doing this and approaching people I invited to my house and questioning them. I feel that this is harassing

Ok here is the question can they fire me for this?

Second question if they do can I sue them or take them to Labor department?

thanks for any and all advice:confused:
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