Can I sue the attorney?

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New Member
I am living with the father of my 3 childre, we are not nor have we ever been married. His divorce was finalized in May 2008. In 2004 a lien was put on my house. ( his name is not on the house) The lien was put in his name, for a judgement against his ex over 13 years ago. I found out about the lien when I went to refiance the house and could not due to the lien. I contacted the courts and had the lien removed. Two weeks ago our checking account was grained by the same lawyer. We have a joint account but once again we are not married. The money in the account was my mortgage money and food money for my children. ( which are all minors) I am now behind on my mortgage and am going to have to file bankruptcy from this lawyer. Can I sue him for the things he has done and causing me and my children hardship? Also, can he just take the money with out any type of warning? The bank said the money was on hold, but the jerk drove to the bank and picked up a cashiers check so we could not even put a stop payment on the check. PLEASE help, this attorney is ruining my life.
Since the account was joint it was his account too, that attorney had every right to take the $$ --- open your own account do not put this person on your accounts -- the house is yours and they can not touch that-- this is why the removed the lien on it
Where I am, it's easy to file a lien. Just allege some interest in the property, it doesn't need to be too specific. More difficult to prove it in court when challenged, and you may be subject to costs for filing a false lien.
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