Can i sue for overtime??

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New Member
My girlfriend recently got fired without 2 weeks notice because of financial reasons at the spa. My question is, not once did she ever receive her overtime ever. She has proof of her hours from day one.. Is there a way to sue for that or is the owner of the spa allowed to not pay overtime. We're in California by the way. Thanks in advance.
More info is needed to know whether overtime was necessary. If she believes she is owed something she should first take up the issue with the employer.
No notice is required when the employer fires someone.
We would need to know what her job duties were and how much time she actually worked each day before we could make any kind of informed judgment on overtime.

BTW, under no circumstances do YOU (or even WE) have any right to sue. SHE may or may not, depending on whether overtime was owed at all.
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