Can I post the name and address of suspected scammer on craigslist?

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I rented an apartment in Brooklyn NY last June from the ads on craigslist. And later found out that the person who rent me the apartment is not the landlord, She sublease an apartmnet for $1700/month and rent out each room fro about $500-$930 each room (a three bedroom apartment). She always told other roomates that her family will move out of the apartment soon, but never did. Instead, her whole family (herself, her brother and her mother, all grown up) live in a makeshift bedroom in the living room. When you move out of there, she will not return the security deposit.
I believe she has been doing this for years. Can I post her name on craigslist to warn others? Is this legal?
I have filed a small claims court suit with her. But she keep changing her cell phone number and email and refuse to pay. For the $1000 isolated case, the court basically can not do anything.
Thanks a lot.
I rented an apartment in Brooklyn NY last June from the ads on craigslist. And later found out that the person who rent me the apartment is not the landlord, She sublease an apartmnet for $1700/month and rent out each room fro about $500-$930 each room (a three bedroom apartment). She always told other roomates that her family will move out of the apartment soon, but never did. Instead, her whole family (herself, her brother and her mother, all grown up) live in a makeshift bedroom in the living room. When you move out of there, she will not return the security deposit.
I believe she has been doing this for years. Can I post her name on craigslist to warn others? Is this legal?
I have filed a small claims court suit with her. But she keep changing her cell phone number and email and refuse to pay. For the $1000 isolated case, the court basically can not do anything.
Thanks a lot.

Yes, you can do anything you want.

I would suggest you NOT post her information.

Besides, she keeps changing it anyway.

You had your small claims day in court.

You discovered the dirty little secret of small claims, you don't get paid, even when you win!!!!

So, move on and forget it.

Don't make more trouble for yourself.

Don't ever buy or do anything off of Craigslist, except read it for amusement.
I filed a complaint with NY 311 hotline. But nothing happened.
I just thought others should know so that she will not cheat any more people.
Thanks. You are exactly right. Small claims court is ridiculous. Unless the other side pays attenting to his/her reputation.
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