can i date a 20 year old at 16


New Member
I'm 16 years old I'll be 17 in a couple of months and I really love this guy so much he's 20 years old. Me and him been keeping are relationship a secret but my dad found out and didn't like the idea cause I'm still in school he told me that I would have to break up with him I told my dad ok but still went on with the relationship. He's a great guy on are 1 month he got me a promise ring I knew him for 12 years and I just want to know if its ok if me and him can still date we have not done anything wrong no sexual contact or anything can I date him still without him going to jail?
This is entirely up to your parents. If your dad says no, then it's no. The law is not going to force your dad to let you date someone he does not want you to date.
I'm 16 years old I'll be 17 in a couple of months and I really love this guy so much he's 20 years old. Me and him been keeping are relationship a secret but my dad found out and didn't like the idea cause I'm still in school he told me that I would have to break up with him I told my dad ok but still went on with the relationship. He's a great guy on are 1 month he got me a promise ring I knew him for 12 years and I just want to know if its ok if me and him can still date we have not done anything wrong no sexual contact or anything can I date him still without him going to jail?

Its not okay, if your parents say its prohibado.

In other words, if you want to have a relationship with a hippo, a rhino, a whale, a gorilla, a hog, a cobra, a polar bear, or a big foot (f you can find one); you're free to do that when you become an adult at age 18.

You can wait a few months until your 18th birthday to throw dad under the bus for the great 20 year old dude, who'll probably drop you in six months anyway!

Seriously, do as dad says, wait, if dude still thinks you're HOT as roasted peanuts in a few months on your 18th hatch day, tell dad to bug off and you can leave to be with the 20 year old cutie.

Otherwise, you risk getting the dude in legal hot water.
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This question comes up daily on forums everywhere. The answer is always the same. There are no laws that define or restrict "dating" its when sex or sexual contact occurs (does not have to be physical) that the law applies. That being said the minors parents have 100% control over who their minor child spends time with. If parents forbid the relationship it sin the adults best interest to back off