Can I collect debt from Ex's new wife?

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I received a judgement from the court at the time of our divorce almost 4 years ago for our possessions (he was to pay me cash). He has been unable financially to pay me (so he says). He works as a consultant and so I haven't figured out a way to garnish his wages. Now he appears ready to remarry and his girlfriend has a regular job. Can I garnish her wages once they marry? Is there some other way I can collect on this debt without spending a lot of money on attorneys and going to court? I would appreciate any advice! Thanks!
No, his girlfriend is not responsible for his debt at all. If he is not paying, you might have to file contempt charges or sue him in small claims. You cannot collect anything without suing him and getting a judgement.
Hello I am not an attorney but I have been in a similar situation and you can garnish his wages you must take the court order and go to court and file to sue him for not following a court order bring his social security number and the courts can then hold his wages or even his taxes.
Trying to sue his new girlfriend is a bad move she was not ordered to pay you one dime and she is not responsible for his bills. Trying this will make you look catty, and jealous. Not saying you are but you will appear to be. She did not say she loves you or asked you to marry her so she has not much to do with you and his break up. These things are messy enough with out trying to pull every one else in
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