can i be sued for posting facts about my ex on a cheater forum?

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New Member
I filed a restraining order against my ex boyfriend. He and a woman are stalking me.Tomorrow morning we go to court. In the mean time, he has hired a lawyer to file charges against me for harrassment. I posted on an internet site that talks about cheaters some of the things he did to me. I posted only facts that can be proven. I have most of the proof on paper. Some in email. He had 16 profiles on various sex and dating sites while we were living together. He also has porn pics on a site thats made up mostly of teenagers. I posted this information on a site and he found it. He could be fired from his job, if they find this info out as he was doing it all from his job at their computer terminals. If he gets fired even if i dont go directly to them myself, can i be in legal trouble for blowing the whistle on him?? Can i get in trouble for posting FACTS on the internet on this forum? Tomorrow during my restraining order case, should i show this proof to the judge??
I don't know how to answer this question since I don't know the details. Suffice it to say that either (a) it must have been serious enough to warrant a lawyer, and (b) it could be a desperate play by your ex to attempt to have you take down this information that he feels is damaging to him. If you haven't called your ex, shown up at his door, followed him around town, etc. then it's difficult for him to claim that you're harassing him if you've decided to post facts in a support group and deicde to give details as to the reasons for your anguish. Make sure you go into court with the same confidence that you show here.
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