Can children and youth take my newborn?


New Member
I've just recently had to go to court and gave up my parental rights to my three children because I had given birth to a fourth and my rights would've been taken away anyways but giving them up myself would mean that they couldn't come in with circumstances that they could come in and take the newborn I was a heroin addict, but I've been clean for months and I'm enrolled in a Suboxone clinic who has nothing but glowing recommendations for me, plus I just gave children and youth a clean urine sample today. My son is getting released from the hospital in I guess shelter care and now I've got a court hearing tomorrow I need help.
Please use proper sentences.

The short answer is that if you are a heroin addict, yes, they can "take" your newborn.

What is this court hearing for? Why is your son in the hospital? Why and when did you give up (or have taken away) parental rights on your other kids? Do you have a safe, clean place to live, means of support, and ability to stay clean?
I'm sorry I'm looking for an after l answer from a lawyer.

First of all, you didn't ask a question (except for the question in the subject header of your post, the only possible answer to which is that yes, it's possible). Second, everyone here is an anonymous stranger to you. I'm a lawyer, but you have no way of confirming that to be true. You're the one who waited until the middle of the afternoon the day before the hearing (the purpose of which you didn't bother telling us) to post on an internet message board, so you'll have to take what you get in terms of responses, and snotty retorts to a person who was trying to provide you with the "help" that you asked for is a great way to ensure that no one else tries to help.

If you still want some help, I suggest you answer the questions previously asked.
Being clean a few months is not very long at all. You will need to establish a significant period of time with no positive tests or relapse.
I'm assuming your child was born addicted to heroin or otherwise showed evidence of your drug use while pregnant? Yes, they can take all of your kids for that.
The kids will be cared for. I'd suggest you focus on your own well-being in the mean time and get to a point that you can support yourself and your kids and maintain a safe environment for them. If you do that then you will get realistic consideration of returning them to you.
I've just recently had to go to court and gave up my parental rights to my three children because I had given birth to a fourth and my rights would've been taken away anyways but giving them up myself would mean that they couldn't come in with circumstances that they could come in and take the newborn I was a heroin addict, but I've been clean for months and I'm enrolled in a Suboxone clinic who has nothing but glowing recommendations for me, plus I just gave children and youth a clean urine sample today. My son is getting released from the hospital in I guess shelter care and now I've got a court hearing tomorrow I need help.

Can they? Obviously they did.

You "had" to voluntarily terminate your parental rights? Why? Or were they involuntarily terminated?

I'm not following your post at all. They don't just take babies away from people who have had drug addiction in the past. Did he test positive for drugs when he was born? I think you are leaving out some key information.
If you want answers from an actual "Lawyer" then make an appointment to see one. Everyone here is a volunteer who very likely does NOT have a law degree and if they did it is likely its not in your jurisdiction and their degree (if any) may not be in Family law. Read paragraph below its at bottom of every page

Legal Disclaimer: The content appearing on our website is for general information purposes only. When you submit a question or make a comment on our site or in our law forum, you clearly imply that you are interested in receiving answers, opinions and responses from other people. The people providing legal help and who respond are volunteers who may not be lawyers, legal professionals or have any legal training or experience. The law is also subject to change from time to time and legal statutes and regulations vary between states. It is possible that the law may not apply to you and may have changed from the time a post was made. All information available on our site is available on an "AS-IS" basis. It is not a substitute for professional legal assistance. Before making any decision or accepting any legal advice, you should have a proper legal consultation with a licensed attorney with whom you have an attorney-client privilege. For purposes of New York and New Jersey State ethics rules, please take notice that this website and its case reviews may constitute attorney advertising.
Being clean a few months is not very long at all. You will need to establish a significant period of time with no positive tests or relapse.
I'm assuming your child was born addicted to heroin or otherwise showed evidence of your drug use while pregnant? Yes, they can take all of your kids for that.
The kids will be cared for. I'd suggest you focus on your own well-being in the mean time and get to a point that you can support yourself and your kids and maintain a safe environment for them. If you do that then you will get realistic consideration of returning them to you.

I wasn't using during my pregnancy. I was/am in a Suboxone program. So yes my child was born with Suboxone in his system but it was medically prescribed.
Can they? Obviously they did.

You "had" to voluntarily terminate your parental rights? Why? Or were they involuntarily terminated?

I'm not following your post at all. They don't just take babies away from people who have had drug addiction in the past. Did he test positive for drugs when he was born? I think you are leaving out some key information.
I stated in my original post that I'm in a Suboxone program have been since I found out I was expecting that's what was in his system. Medically prescribed Suboxone
First of all, you didn't ask a question (except for the question in the subject header of your post, the only possible answer to which is that yes, it's possible). Second, everyone here is an anonymous stranger to you. I'm a lawyer, but you have no way of confirming that to be true. You're the one who waited until the middle of the afternoon the day before the hearing (the purpose of which you didn't bother telling us) to post on an internet message board, so you'll have to take what you get in terms of responses, and snotty retorts to a person who was trying to provide you with the "help" that you asked for is a great way to ensure that no one else tries to help.

If you still want some help, I suggest you answer the questions previously asked.
The only reason I'm asking this today is only because I just heard about court today. A shelter hearing is required to be within 72 hours of cys involvement.
The only reason I'm asking this today is only because I just heard about court today. A shelter hearing is required to be within 72 hours of cys involvement.

You have the right to request state appointed counsel during these types of advocacy hearings.

Somewhere among the mountain of documents you were given reveals how you request an attorney be appointed to represent you.

That won't happen if the hearing is conducted by a child services officer.

You need to request a hearing before a judge.

Again, how that is done is hidden among all of the documents you were provided.

If you can't do that, perhaps you can request such a court proceeding on the morrow
You have the right to request state appointed counsel during these types of advocacy hearings.

Somewhere among the mountain of documents you were given reveals how you request an attorney be appointed to represent you.

That won't happen if the hearing is conducted by a child services officer.

You need to request a hearing before a judge.

Again, how that is done is hidden among all of the documents you were provided.

If you can't do that, perhaps you can request such a court proceeding on the morrow
Thank you so much, honestly. All I wanted in this horrible nightmare is a little help.
I stated in my original post that I'm in a Suboxone program have been since I found out I was expecting that's what was in his system. Medically prescribed Suboxone

Then why did they take the child? They don't just take children if there is annotated prescription medicine for the mother. Also why did you have to terminate your rights? No one can make you do that. So you either did it voluntarily OR the state did it for you.