can being called a cancerous tumor be grounds for defamation

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New Member
I work for my fiance's parents managing their company and last year they sold half the business to a woman they have been friends with for years. From day one this woman has been very vocal about calling herself my boss adn often seems threatened by my position within the business and family.
Yesterday I happened across a performance review she had done on me. Needless to say, this review was not very nice. It contained many attacks on my character(employee may be in need of psychiatric help, employee is a terror), blamed me for not being able to get clients (when I've heard quite the opposite from those who give us referrals), and gets down-right mean by calling me a cancerous tumor that needs to be removed.
I am not in fear of losing my job (although she has posted and opening for my position on Craigslist) because she has fired me 4 times in the last year and I have been back to work the next day, but this review, if placed in my file is extremely harmful to my career.
I hesitate to envolve my fiances parents as this woman is always on her best behavior around them and they do not believe she has any faults, but I even have staff coming to me saying that they are thinking of quitting as she is such a bully.
1. can she use such an unprofessional document against me if I do quit and file for unemployment and 2. would I have a case for defamation if such a document was used?
You asked:
1. can she use such an unprofessional document against me if I do quit and file for unemployment.

Sure, she can use the document against you. But, the document alone won't be enough to disqualify you from receiving unemployment benefits.

Quitting a job, that usually disqualifies you from receiving unemployment benefits.

2. would I have a case for defamation if such a document was used?

Of course not. While her remarks may not be flattering, those words alone don't rise to the level of being defaming.
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