Can an employer LIE about firing you?

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New Member
1st - Thank you in advance to those who review this, I promise to make it brief.

I am a manager who went out on short term medical leave that was approved by the company. At the same time my employer tried to terminate my employment status, however I am still considered an active employee and have been getting short term medical payments and I have not been terminated in the system - it has been about 3 months.

My direct boss told my reports that I was no longer with the company. He also told my peers I was fired due to performance issues. This was all while I was out on approved medical leave and STILL an active employee. I was very forward with him when I said to tell the staff I was out on medical leave.

Can he do this? Can he LIE about my employment status saying I was fired when I am still an employee? Is this slander? Is there any recorse in NY state. ( Of course there is always more to every story, I am just keeping it simple. I can provide more info if needed. )

Thank you in advance.
Slander is the telling of a falsity that someone believes about you that causes damage to you in some way. It is false. Do they believe it? How does it damage you?
Slander is the telling of a falsity that someone believes about you that causes damage to you in some way. It is false. Do they believe it? How does it damage you?

Could cause trouble getting employement in a small town. Many of the towns local professionals are now aware of the situation which could lead to loss of future business. It was false, it could cause damage - albeit slight depending on viewpoint.

I am not looking to pursue a slander case, just looking to see if it was legal and if it wasnt legal what course should be taken or if this would be something to pursue as far as keeping a position or having the company retract the firing due to breaking the law.

Once again - thank you in advance.
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