Can Alimony be eliminated if receiver is getting SS Disability?

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New Member
My husband was ordered to pay alimony to his exwife till she dies or gets remarried. First after 3 years of seperation she begged him not file because she had been diagnosed with breast cancer and she did not want the stress and additional depression. He agreed to wait. Then she waited till their marriage hit the 10 year mark and filed and was awarded alimony till she either died or got remarried. Her cancer has been in remission for 5 or so years now but she claims to have Fibromyalgia now and can not work. She has been living with family since seperation and will inherit a house being the only child. No children for their marriage, only DEBT which he paid.

He has learned that she has been receiving SS Disability but does not know what the monthly amount is. Since he and I got married we have been blessed with a child therefore alimony makes it tight. He contacted her about going back to court to lower or eliminate payments. She agreed to a lower monthly amount because she did not want to go to court.

Now the question: What are the chances of the alimony being stopped if she is receiving SS Disability now? She is receiving an income and is no longer terminally ill. He makes more money since the divorce and there is a chance he may have to pay more.
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He contacted her about going back to court to lower or eliminate payments. She agreed to a lower monthly amount because she did not want to go to court.

Was the judgment in the lawsuit amended to show this?
Did he have an attorney when he divorced? Why would he agree to lifetime alimony after only 10 years of marriage? He would have to see an attorney to see if there is any chance of stopping it but it is unlikely since he agreed to it.
NO they had a verbal agreement over the phone, the conversation was tape recorded by him.
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No attorney and didn't even go to the hearing. He figured since they did not have any property to split (she got everything) and he lived in another town that he did not need to go. It had been at least 5 years of seperation and living in another town.
NO they had a verbal agreement over the phone, the conversation was tape recorded by him.

You need that in writing.

A verbal agreement is no good.
It is obviously court ordered he pay her and if he did not show up to the hearing then he lost in default. Bad move by him. He needs to see an attorney.
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