Can a father get custody? Help

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New Member
I will try to make this as short as possible.
My boyfriend lived with his son and his ex from birth to 6 years old in Puerto Rico.

In July of 2006 he came to NY with his son to find work. At the end of the summer he brought his ex (partner at the time) to NY and asks her to move here. She refused and took his son back to Puerto Rico against his wishes. She proceeded to use the child to get money out of him. After they broke up, he continued to support both of them as she was 29 and had never worked and refused to do so.

Since then she has moved to two different states within less than a year. She has twice agreed to let my boyfriend see his son and then kept the child and not allow a visit.

She had not been able to keep a job or obtain a residence; she has been living with friends and relatives and has been kicked out for not working or taking care of her responsibilities.

In December of 2007 her father forced her to finally send my boyfriend's son to live with him as he had obtained a bigger apartment in anticipation his son may visit, works and has worked regularly and can provide a stable household with the ability to provide child care. Her father stated she had to work if she was going to live with him and she had no means of child care.

My boyfriend is filing for custody and wants to do it before summer comes. He does not want the child to suffer and although the mother has done him wrong, he knows his son loves her and wants to see her. But he does not want to send him until he has a court ordered arrangement since he cannot trust her to send him back. The child has already told his mother he wants to live here, but visit her, but he is only 7 years old. My boyfriend and his son have always been very close. He wants the child to live here, and have visitation with his mother for about 5 weeks during the summer.
What are his chances the judge will grant him sole custody? The child did not go to the doctor while with her and here he has insurance and he has a great and large family support system. The mother currently is staying in a room in her father's trailer and her father and step-mother are the only family she has.

Are his chances good? What are the chances she can get the judge to give her the child back and send him to Florida? It seems unlikely, but people always fear the preference is with the mother, and this little boy loves his father to death.

Please advise, sorry so long.
The child is much too young to voice his opinion on what he wants. He could be telling that to mom as well. Dad has to prove custody is better off with him. Nobody can predict the outcome but he can cetainly file for custody and let a court decide.
Is it possible that the judge denies full custody but grants joint and keeps my boyfriend as the primary as his son lives with him? What are the possibilies of what could happen if a judge does say no to sole custody? What happens then?
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