Can a deported father do anything?

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New Member
My friend has 2 children by his EX bi-polar wife, plus had adopted a child from her previous marriage during their union. All their mutual assets were written under her name. He was a good father and provider but unfortunately he got caught up in an illegal extortion game which she turned him in for (when she started dating someone else). He was sent to jail, stripped from his residency and deported. She, trying to maintain her drug addiction lost everything including the children. Later after attending rehab and anger management she recovered them. He has routinely attempted to stay in touch with the children via phone but she has not allowed it, angry that he didn't sign her divorce papers to re-marry. His deported status cannot be restored, and has not paid child support due to his own financial condition. My question is can he do anything to be able to talk to his children? It almost seems ridiculous to ask this, but does he have any rights?
He has rights, yes - but without a court order for visitation (even phone/skype visitation) he can't really do anything.

He can hire an attorney in CA to appear on his behalf (since he'd have to file in Mom's community); it's possible a judge will order such visitation.

But enforcing it will be nigh on impossible; even if Mom refuses the court really can't take custody away from her for that reason.
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