CA - How to adopt???

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New Member

Is there anyone that might be able to explain an outline of what we need to do for an adoption... we really don't have the finances to hire an attorney :(

My ex is a jerk... he's been out of the picture since 2/2001... we divorced and he was given supervised visitation for the girls'. He was also court ordered to pay child support.

The child support agency just started taking money from his paychecks a couple months back... it's very minimal. He has not seen my girls' since 2/2001.

I was recently faced with almost dying when my last daughter was born last year. If something happens to me, I want to protect my children. My husband wants to adopt them. He is a wonderful person! This would also be in the best interest for my girls! The adore him!

Does anyone know what the steps would be in my state and what forms I would need to complete? I found one site that had some of the forms, but overall it is hard to understand. It keeps mentioning that if the other parent does not agree, then it suggests hiring a lawyer.... but, doesn't give all the steps so we can just attempt ourselves. Can someone please help? :confused:

Thank you!!!!
Your first step is realizing that, unless your exhusband agrees to give up his rights to his children, an adoption is not going to happen.

The second step is realizing that adoption is not a do it yourself exercise; you need the knowledge of an attorney.

You do need the help of a lawyer, even if it is just guidance. On the other hand you do not always need your ex's approval if you can prove abandonment. Abandonment laws vary state to state but it usually means you have to prove he has had no contact in person or over the phone for a certain time period and has made no valid attempt to foster a relationship with his kids. It can be hard to prove this and he can appeal, but if you manage to do it his parental rights can be involuntarily terminated allowing your husband to adopt.

Kudos to your husband for being the father your kids need. Step parenting can be hard and it takes a special person to do a good job. Good luck.
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