Broken lease and owed bills



My ex left me and broke our lease. Both our names were on the lease and water bill but not the electric. Currently, the owed amount on the bills are water-$150 and $600 for electric. She also lost one of the two keys and didn't return to clean or remove her trash before I turned the key in, we were late in rent every month, she wouldn't give me the landlords number and even lied to me and the landlord about rent. I also want to know if I can go for more than in owed and if I actually have a case. I tried every means of contacting her but she just blocked me.
Small claims court is your only option. Don't get too excited, even if you get a judgment you'll have to chase her assets to collect. Most small claims litigants rarely see a dime.
It's unfortunate but what army judge says is true about collection of small claims court judgments. However, there are a couple of considerations. First, send her a demand letter. Letter her know you intend to sue her may induce her to pay what she owes. Small claims court lawsuits create a public record. If you sue, there will be a publicly searchable record created. And if you win, damages will be awarded as per the court's judgment. You can also file a lien on that person and it will come up in public searches. That can prove to be extremely inconvenient and a problem should they wish to obtain credit or a mortgage. And in certain cases it's about the principle of the matter, which itself might be worth it to go to court and take it as far as you can. Good luck.