Bounced Check

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New Member
I bounced a check and was unaware that I had done so. Now it is going to cost me 10x the amount of the check to pay it off. Does the person to whom the check was written not have some obligation to notify you of a bounced check? I was not aware that there was anything outstanding and have not refused any certified letter. No letters were mailed to the house and we have not refused any phone calls that I know of. The only thing might have been them trying to contact by phone and missing us - we have no answering machine.

Should I challenge this and find out what was refused? Do I have a right to see what was refused? If I take this to court, how much more could be added? I have no problem paying the check and fees but $350 for a $35 check is rediculous.
No the person that you wrote the check has no obligation to inform you-- however your bank should have notified you, also your bank statement would have shown this check coming and and it bouncing.
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