Bought a trailer with my then fiance. He had been sober 6 years but began doing drugs which then


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brought on his alcohol problems again. I was beaten, bruised & cut & put out on the streets. I finally had enough & escaped to a camper in a campground. My name is on that trailer that he still lives in. It is not much, but is paid for & I want to know if I'm entitled to half & is it a small claims case? The value would be under $6,000.00
brought on his alcohol problems again. I was beaten, bruised & cut & put out on the streets. I finally had enough & escaped to a camper in a campground. My name is on that trailer that he still lives in. It is not much, but is paid for & I want to know if I'm entitled to half & is it a small claims case? The value would be under $6,000.00

You certainly can file a small claims action.
You could sue him for three large, for sure.

The problem you're overlooking, where is a drug addicted alcoholic, women beater, loser going to get his hands on three large to pay off the judgment you might secure?

If the women thumping, drug abusing, liquor swilling critter got his hands on fifty large; he'd snort it, shoot, smoke it, or suck it up in a week and still be a dead broke bum!

Adding to your complicated, confusing dilemma is you need to stay away from that savage.

Thank the moon and stars you escaped alive from your recent thumping.

I submit for your deliberation and consideration, what good is twenty large if you get killed or paralyzed trying to get it?
I am considering the what if because one of his insane episodes was shooting his gun in the house. Everyday I thank the moon & stars. He also promised to pay the medical bills from my injuries (which I have him saying on my voice mail). I have pictures & police reports if needed. Would this increase the dollar amount I could sue him for? Oddly enough he is holding a job at this time so I need to come to a decision soon. I found out he is driving a car to work everyday (lost his license of course) and smoking pot which he buys from his foreman at work.
I am considering the what if because one of his insane episodes was shooting his gun in the house. Everyday I thank the moon & stars. He also promised to pay the medical bills from my injuries (which I have him saying on my voice mail). I have pictures & police reports if needed. Would this increase the dollar amount I could sue him for? Oddly enough he is holding a job at this time so I need to come to a decision soon. I found out he is driving a car to work everyday (lost his license of course) and smoking pot which he buys from his foreman at work.

You could sue him for the small claims maximum, and still not collect one dime. The court doesn't award you money, if you prevail in a lawsuit. You receive a piece of paper saying Mr. Alcoholic Drug Addict owes you Ms. A Bused Woman $5,000. You then perfect/certify your judgment and a sheriff tries to get your money. Most stuff is exempt from levy.

The only way you get paid when the judge issues the verdict is by going on Judge Judy, Judge Mathis, Hot Bench, or The People's Court. You also get an all expense paid trip to Chicago or New York City where the show is filmed.
I can understand you wanting/needing the money but it seems this person is someone you really need to stay away from for your safety & sanity

Also, as army judge noted, you have the problem of trying to collect any judgment that might be awarded you.

Good luck to you.