Being sued for Slander


New Member
Hello, this is my first post here..

I have a Question to which I believe I already know the answer..

I have 2 Landlords, a married couple to which are pretty mean for the most part, and I allowed that to make me feel that they were bad people.
A series of other tenants who also shared a similar opinion were attempting to dig up dirt to use against them.. While I did some research using public records, I could not find anything that could be used or proof of illegal conduct.. It seemed the more I dug, the more I realized that not only were they NOT bad people.. That they were actually decent people who just dealt with dirt bags on a regular basis.. I admit in assisting others in research, however I did not partake in any slander, although I did refer them with a few bad words here and there because I felt intimidated by them...They can be quite mean at times or dismissive..

Well anyhow everything that was looked through was all through public record and I did not use any of what I found to be used in anything other than personal research, I never accused anyone of doing anything Illegal, however some tenants I associated with made quite a few accusations of the Managers using drugs, among a few other things..

What I'm asking after all of this is, the Managers came to my door asking face to face that I was soon to be in with a lawsuit for Slander and Defamation of Character.. The owner of the building is a Lawyer and I am unsure wither or wither not if they are bluffing me, or pumping me for information through intimidation..
Personally I could not find anything, and the deeper I looked the more I realized they were just normal people.. But just 20 mins ago they notified me that they were in the process of filing a lawsuit, and I wanted to know if they had a case.. Personally I think they don't as they would have to prove that the said slander caused them any personal or financial damage..
Based just on what you posted, I doubt they would win a case against you.
Never worry about being sued.
You can't control if another person sues you.
If you are sued, you defend.

What you can do, when your lease is about to expire, give notice and find new digs.
Other than that, its best not to admit to doing anything, even if you did it.
As far as who may have said what, I suggest you play dumb.
Its also best never to know anything about anything, and no one can peer inside your mind to know what you might know, unless you open your pie hole and spew your knowledge.
Never worry about being sued.
You can't control if another person sues you.
If you are sued, you defend.

What you can do, when your lease is about to expire, give notice and find new digs.
Other than that, its best not to admit to doing anything, even if you did it.
As far as who may have said what, I suggest you play dumb.
Its also best never to know anything about anything, and no one can peer inside your mind to know what you might know, unless you open your pie hole and spew your knowledge.

The place I live at does not do leases due to the nature of the neighborhood.. Its in a not so savory area where scum bags are the norm, and the good people are treated like dirt just like the bad guys who usually get away with it because they are criminals.. I'm on a month to month with no lease to which I wish I had.. My rent has stayed low even though if I were to move in today instead of 2 years ago.. My rent would be so high I would not be able to afford it.. I am looking for new Digs, and I did about 6 months ago and spend all of my 400 dollars of my life savings on Apartment applications and background checks, but I just didn't qualify due to all of them saying that I need to make 3x what the rent is worth.. I'm originally from the midwest and usually finding an apartment is pretty easy.. a quick meet up and a few laughs and a handshake would get me a new place.. In Nevada all I have seen is realty corporations handling everything.. Anyhow I sort of figured there is nothing they can do, however they can give me a 45 day notice to raise my rent.. That would give me 2 months to move... Its that I can't afford to move and this place quickly becomes a cesspool on the drop of a dime.. They are slum lords and tomorrow we have this inspection, the first time I have ever had one, even though my place is clean and organized, I feel this inspection is more like an apartment search and some sort of retaliation.. Either way they can't do a thing, I just needed a second opinion and I appreciate all here that helped..